Happy Spring! Yes, I realize I changed the very well-known slogan to yet again fulfill my informative needs. As the seeds of the season begin to blossom, the predictable influx of abashed patients ensues. This phenomenon is not new and occurs like clockwork around this time. What is the regretful issue? Post-holiday weight gain. “I’ve fallen off the wagon, Doc…” . It happens in the majority of people… especially those over the age of 35. And most of my patients want the quick easy fix, instant gratification. The problem with this concept is why I changed the words in the title to suit my following advice.

In achieving most life-altering goals, and especially weight loss, one must experience PAIN on multiple levels. And not just physically, but also mentally. There is a popular misconception that we can continue with certain ways of life and habits after age 35. Most of us can’t. There has to be more sacrifices and discipline as we age. This is what I see is desperately lacking in today’s majority mindset. As we age our metabolism slows and we naturally lose muscle—2 things much needed to burn calories. Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance to push the system in order to see results. How can this be done?

There is far more caloric effectiveness with drastically changing the way we perceive food. Instead of meals being something to look forward to and indulge in, it must be considered just a way to sustain a functioning body. As the years have passed the sources of sustenance have deranged into highly fattening, processed junk. Perhaps when we were cave people a high carb and salt diet were required to thrive—avoiding infection and famine. But now in the 21st century, those things aren’t needed… especially in the most developed and powerful nation. I think that’s where part of the problem lies. Studies show that as our great nation has grown, so has our appetite. “Portion distortion” has taken over. The sizes of meals and snacks are outrageous nowadays. For years our brains have been wired a certain way. Eat 3 square meals with dinner being the largest, cheat during holidays—well, every day can convert into some kind of special day—every year more and more are added to the calendar, not to mention sporting events and award shows to add to the excuses list.

Exercise does not help us lose weight (unless you are doing Olympic level activity). It aids in maintaining your current weight. It has other benefits like expanding the lungs and conditioning your joints. If done at an aerobic rate, it can shape up your heart. After a certain age, yoga is more beneficial than boot-camping. It builds muscle, improves flexibility, and helps with mental stability. Now seen more in the West, it has to be more understood and embraced.

Buck up. No more excuses. Experience pain. Calorie count. Choose organic. Become regimented. Celebrate holidays with laughter and words rather than with food. It will take baby steps, but it can be done with patience and diligence. And in the long run will prove more successful in staying on that wagon for a life time of traveling down healthy roads!