Let’s talk briefly about a sensitive subject, the “double chin”

Many people would say they have it and that they would love to get rid of it. Well, great news! There is a nonsurgical option available known as Kybella. While submental fat, aka the double chin, affects both men and women and can be a result of weight gain, genetics and/or aging, for many people, diet and exercise alone does not eliminate its appearance.

Kybella to the Rescue

Kybella is the only FDA-approved prescription medication that can eliminate fat cells under the chin, and it was awarded the Allure Best of Beauty Breakthrough in 2015.

The science behind Kybella is its active ingredient deoxycholic acid which is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat. The medication is injected into the fat underneath the chin and destroys fat cells. That sounds pretty amazing right!? Wait, it gets better.

Once these fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat, eliminating the need for further treatment once you reach your desired result.

Now that I have your attention, you’re probably wondering what the treatment process is like.

First and foremost, you will want to allow a trained healthcare professional to examine your chin to determine if Kybella is the right treatment option for you and discuss treatment goals. The number of treatments needed varies and depends on the amount of submental fat and desired result.

Each treatment session involves multiple injections and takes about 15-20 minutes. It’s important to remember that each treatment session should be at least 1 month apart with no more than 6 total treatments.

Following your treatment you will likely experience some swelling, bruising and numbness.
The most common side effects include swelling, pain, numbness, along with redness and areas of hardness in the treatment area.

There are some serious side effects possible which your healthcare provider should review with you prior to starting any treatment. Additionally, you should also review your medical history and medications with your healthcare provider before receiving Kybella.